How to Make a Spy Microphone

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Last Updated on March 12, 2021

Below are two useful procedures through which you can create the best spy microphone on your own. You don’t have to buy new materials because you can build the below microphones using common things that are present in almost every household. 

How To Make A Parabolic Spy Microphone With A TV Dish

tv dish

If you have an old TV dish, then it is time to make use of it. You don’t have to spend a hefty amount of bills to get a spy microphone. Because by using the old TV dish, you can prepare your microphone. 

Materials Required: 

  • TV Dish (new or old)
  • Paint and paintbrush (only needed if the TV dish is rusty)
  • Earphones that have microphones
  • A chunk of foam board
  • Tape or wire 

Step 1: Cleaning the rusty dish

First of all, take a bucket of water along with a hard utensil scrubber. Splash the water on the TV dish and clean it using the scrubber. Check if the dirt is removed from the surface or not, then clean until it looks that way. If you are using a rusty TV dish, then you have to keep in mind that the rust won’t come out by cleaning with water.

Step 2: Painting the cleaned TV dish

After the TV dish is dried and free from water droplets, you can begin painting. You are free to choose any color you want to paint, but it is better to use a metallic color. Now, leave the TV dish so that the paint can dry.

Step 3: Clearing the receiver unit

You have to open the receiver unit to move forward. Firstly, detach the screw from the bracket that is carrying the receiver unit. You have to use a large screwdriver to remove it. With the help of the flat screwdriver, you can open the receiver unit by pushing it up. Now take out the metal that is present in the unit.

Step 4: Remodeling the receiver unit

Wipe off the coating in the receiver unit. Keep in mind that some TV dish units don’t come with covers. After disconnecting the screws, do not throw them in the trash, as you will need them later. Apply some pressure and detach the white membrane that is present on the surface of the unit. Now you will see the circuit board; take that board out from the unit.

Step 5: Installing the microphone

With the help of a 6mm drill machine, you have to make a hole in the unit. After drilling a hole, pass the microphone into the hole. Now take a look at the container, and you can find two cone-shaped stuff. After positioning the microphone, create a few more holes in a pattern on the membrane using the drill and screwdriver.

Step 6: Locking the unit

You have to use the foam board, which holds and stabilizes the microphone. Strengthen the audio cable of the microphone through the bottom hole of the unit. If you discover any bolts or nuts, then take them out. Now carry the previously made piece and position it anywhere you want to. You have to join the piece and the base of the unit with tape. (1)

Step 7: Setting up the unit in the TV dish

Now, set the above unit in the TV dish and screw them together. There, the parabolic microphone is ready. This parabolic microphone which is made from the old TV dish, can hear quiet voices even from 25 meters away.

Step 8: Recording sounds using the mobile phone

Attach the pin of the earphone to your smartphone. To hear the sounds that are captured by the parabolic spy microphone, use the default sound recording app of the phone.

Best for Beginners: How to Make A Microphone

Using an Old Speaker

Sony speaker

This hack is ideal for newcomers who don’t have any electronic experience. Also, you can save plenty of money. You need just a few things which you can find in your home.

Step 1: Removing the woofer from your speaker

If the speaker has a speaker grill, then remove it. Now detach the four pins which are protecting the woofer in the panel. You will see two different colored wires, mostly black and red. Trim the wires and strip half-inch plastic insulation from both wire’s ends. While cutting them, make sure not to trim the metal threads. There, you got the large diaphragm for the low-frequency spy microphone. Don’t throw away the four screws because you will need them in the last step.

Step 2: Removing wires from the microphone cord

Take the microphone cord and from the female end, open the screw. Now you can see the metal housing slides along with three fused terminals. With the help of pliers, take out the black and white wires from the terminals. And remove half-inch insulation from both the white and black wires.

Step 3: Connecting the wires

Twist and connect both the black wires, one from the speaker to the cable. Now attach the red wire from the speaker to the white cable wire. After making sure that they are twisted together, you have to tie them together using a plastic wire or tape. (2)

Step 4: Testing the microphone

With the help of the phantom-powered mixing board, plug your microphone in and inspect it. Now, keep the mic in front of any musical instrument or tool, which has plenty of low ends. If you receive signals without any static or buzz, then you are on the right path. Join together all the wire connections using extra wire or tape to keep them more stable.

Step 5: Creating a shelf or box

It is hard to hold the device in front of sound sources. Take some wood chunks, and with the help of the mounting screws, design a modest shelf. Use the four screws from earlier and make them more secure and fit. This frame or rack lets the microphone stand in a stable position.

Step 6: Start recording with your modern microphone

After placing the speaker on the wooden shelf, the spy microphone is ready to use. Now, using your free and cheap microphone, you can record even from faraway places.

You may want to take a look at this learning guide; how to find a spy microphone in my house. I hope this would help you, until next time!


(1) foam board –
(2) wires –

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Hi, I’m Michael, a security and surveillance expert. I co-founded and write for GadetsSpy and help teach people about new tech and Gadgets.