Can Someone Steal my Ring Doorbell?

by | Learn

Last Updated on March 22, 2021

One of the best ways to enhance a family’s safety and security is with security cameras. Today’s doorbells often incorporate various smart features such as video recording and capture. Despite these features, these types of devices can still be stolen in some way.

Before we proceed, you may see the best peephole camera here!

Theft of Doorbells

RING vide doorbellThe ring doorbell is one of the most popular ones as it allows you to obtain an excellent visualization of the entrance door of a home through different devices. Many thieves are attracted to stealing this type of device. The obvious idea of these thieves is to steal these devices from you with the opportunity to sell them and make some profit on craigslist or a similar marketplace like FB. (1)

The ring doorbell system incorporates some efficient elements with a high-strength structure. Users of these devices not only get versatile and innovative functionality. The structure of these devices offers excellent resistance against all kinds of theft.

Someone could steal this device, although they would have to do some damage to the unit. The manufacturers of this device usually take care of this by providing a free replacement in theft or breakage of the device with the warranty. 

It is also important to consider that the time before the device’s theft will be correctly recorded in different digital devices. It is not very likely or normal for a doorbell with these characteristics to be efficiently stolen. 

When The motion activation and cell phone alarm ping of someone near the device goes off people have enough time to call the police, which scares the thieves away. Even if this device has been stolen, people will have enough evidence to report the theft. It can be done by logging into the phone used for remote surveillance. 

Important Tips to Optimize Doorbell Security

Some quick and efficient tips can prevent a great deal of damage in this type of situation.

  • Purchase Insurance: Having purchase insurance with excellent features allows you to avoid spending money on the damage that thieves may cause to the home. The doorbell device is usually replaced free of charge by the manufacturer.
  • Data Backup: Backups can be done on an external hard drive or on the cloud. Backing up ensures you keep evidence safe based on a video recorded before the burglary. (2)
  • Upgrades: Updating the doorbell’s software system can be important to have a much more efficient product by the time the theft occurs.
  • Increase Security on your Account: Increasing security on the account used to access the doorbell device is a good way to prevent hacking by thieves. Each of the user’s data and the recordings made will be sufficiently protected. 

Final Words

We can conclude that stealing a ring doorbell may be possible but it’s not easy or probable. The thieves will have to do a great deal of damage to take this type of device, which is not very likely.

For installation guides, you may check how to install a door peephole camera and another learning guide that answers the question, such as does a ring peephole have night vision? Until next time!


(1) marketplace like FB –
(2) Data Backup –

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Hi, I’m Michael, a security and surveillance expert. I co-founded and write for GadetsSpy and help teach people about new tech and Gadgets.